Cubic City Trading Tower

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Cubic City Trading Tower
CC Trading Tower Main.png
Built by


Current Status


World Voxellia
Location (x=?,z=?)

Cubic City Trading Tower was built by merasane a while ago before chest shops where back, to make a place for Members of Cubic Worlds to trade in. However shortly after the foundations were started for the huge build, Zolyx on return from his holiday announced that chest shops were back. However, they were only to be made in certain market regions. So seeing that Cubic City was the main member run city there almost had to be a one in the city. The trading tower that merasane built was planned to be the trading hub of the whole server. As such, Zolyx invited it to be moved to Cubic City to act as the main market region. It now lies South of Voxellia's spawn.


The tower is make up of big curved glass walls sloping inwards. The floors are made for smoothstone. The tower features so far 3 floors for trading and on the fourth floor a lovely garden overlooking the immense view of Cubic City. It also contains a water elevator.
